July 2023
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Hi, All!
Summer is a busy season for vacations, fireworks, parades, and picnics.
Wearing shorts and t-shirts, the scent of fresh cut grass, and those mid-summer blooms in the garden are some of my favorite summertime enjoyments. However, my absolute favorite is a summer thunderstorm. Strong winds. Thunderous booms. Lightening strikes. Yep! My favorite.
What’s ‘OFF’ My Desk
My completed manuscript is in the hands of first readers. Why is this an essential step before a final edit? It all comes down to a fresh set of eyes. Imagine reading a book a dozen times. By the thirteenth read, you could do it with your eyes closed. The same goes for writing a novel. I have read, edited, and revised so many times I begin to skim over even the simplest of errors. Whereas my brain will quickly fill in the gaps of a piece I’ve read a dozen times, first readers will detect the slightest changes in accuracy and flow during a first read-through.
What am I doing when my first readers are hard at work? Read on.
What I’m Reading Now
I love book recommendations— here are a couple I’m reading now.
Books On My Nightstand
From the Dog
Something crazy happened! My human said these words aloud, “And SEND!”
She jumped so quickly from her chair and away from her computer desk that it gave me a jolt. Her following statement was more unbelievable!
My human said, “Let’s go to the park.” Mid-day! What is happening? Ever since, we’ve been playing Frisbee in the morning and taking extra-long walks in the evening. I’m not complaining, but I’m exhausted. My human had to convince me to chase a ball.
My human said, “Let’s go to the park.” Mid-day!
What is happening?!
Then, it came tumbling to a stop. My human dared to take a few day trips without me. Can you actually believe this? My parents take me everywhere but said downtown Chicago was out of the question.
I stayed with my aunt, which was fun. But, the city! Splashing in Lake Michigan could have been epic. Ugh! Maybe, next time.
Good Vibes
I love planning far-away vacations, but day trips are fun too. This week, my husband and I went to Chicago. We visited the Adler Planetarium, enjoyed the beach, and had a nice lunch by the lake. Sometimes, I forget about the magnificent adventures so close to home or a short train ride away. Want to visit Chicago? Be ready to experience a proud culture, beautiful beaches, aesthetic architecture, and a lot of fun!
Short and sweet—Far away or at home. Life is good.
As Always,
Your support of my writing and novels has always brought me joy, and being invited to book clubs, school events, presentations, and Zooms is a pleasure.