Coffee Shop Post #15
There is a valuable lesson to be learned from reading the fable The Tortoise and the Hare. You've heard it. Slow and steady wins the race...
With all The Fifth Floor's sequel title coming soon and drum roll please anticipation that I've been drumming up to this point, the fable's message, diligence and patience aids success, somehow managed to fall to the wayside with my excitement for the upcoming sequel. Allow me to take a glorious sip of my holiday spice flat white latte before I further explain.
I put the cart before the horse. I received the editorial report from my editor. She likes Anna's continued story in The Fifth Floor's sequel, but not before I spend time with revisions and rewrites. Here's the thing. I'm thinking after the rewrites, the title I thought as a good fit (Cry for Lizzy) might not be a good fit after all. And for the cover, that too could change. All this drama just because of my eagerness. Well there you have it. The sequel's title may change and the cover may not be revealed in January, but only for this very good reason. My ultimate goal is to publish a couldn't put it down kind of novel. You, my readers deserve a great story and I plan to deliver what you deserve.