January 2024

Julie Oleszek Paddleboarding in Hawaii

Hi, All!

Happy New Year!

Nothing says escaping the cold like a trip to Hawaii. My niece and her family invited me to Hawaii a few years back. I left Chicago’s bitter cold January and traveled to Oahu for a fun-filled week of relaxation in its warmth and beauty. This January, I’m living vicariously through this now wonderful memory. 

What's On My Desk

A New Year’s resolution is on my desk, and I hope it will last longer than two weeks this year.

When I was writing full-time, my goal was to write 1000 words per day, and most days, I achieved this goal. I didn’t always stick to what I wrote. Sometimes, I would delete my work from the day before and begin again, but it worked to my advantage if I sat at my desk and started with the 1000-word goal in mind. Now that I’m teaching and writing novels, my word target is much less, but still, it’s a goal I want to achieve. So, 200 words per day (five days a week) is my resolution for 2024.

Coming Soon on Audio: Pompey Hollow Road

Stay tuned for updates on Pompey Hollow Road as an audiobook!

What I'm Reading Now

I love book recommendations— here are a couple I'm reading now.

Never Wager with a Wallflower

by Virginia Heath

 No One Goes Alone

by Erik Larson


Books On My Nightstand

Reads that are next up in my queue.

If you’ve already read any of the recommended books above and below, please consider leaving a review. Authors thrive on honest reviews and always appreciate your support. Reviewing a book is easy and brightens an author’s day.

The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson

by Mark Twain

Out of My Mind

by Sharon M. Draper


From the Dog's POV

My human says I’ve made her life crazier this winter break, but I think she’s just kidding. She knows it’s me who keeps her on task. For one, I insist on traveling with her in the car whenever she goes somewhere, especially to Starbucks, for a coffee and pup cup. This attentiveness proves my human can relax while I’m on duty.

Bo's Favorite Car Ride

Besides escorting my human in the car, I allow her to take me on extra-long walks. She says I’m a pain on these adventures, but I don’t see how! I keep her fit as a fiddle. I accidentally pulled her off the sidewalk once, okay, maybe twice, and she remarked something about her shoes getting muddy. Can you believe it? My human doesn’t understand that I must go where the smells are prime to protect her from coyotes and other dogs. If danger is near, I’m aware. Sometimes, I practice with a wrestling move on my human, but it’s all for her safety.

I’ll admit, when our vacation ended, I was happy to curl up on my bed for a nap as the tapping on the computer keys lulled me to sleep.

Good Vibes

Ice Cream!

Every Friday, my mom (almost 93) and I head to Dairy Queen for an ice cream. It’s been our tradition for a few years. We don’t care about the sugar, the empty calories, or saturated fat. We drive the five miles while deciding what we want and savoring what will come. We order, find a good spot to park, sit back, and visit while enjoying our ice cream and each other. I hope we have ten more years of this Friday tradition in store.

My mom’s favorite DQ is Peanut Buster Parfait with almonds instead of peanuts.

My favorite DQ is Strawberry Cheesecake Blizzard or any Blizzard.

Enjoying Ice Cream on a Friday With Mom

As Always,

Your support for my writing and novels has always brought me joy, and being invited to book clubs, school events, presentations, and Zooms is a pleasure.



Julie Oleszek